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Model railway

Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH, Göppingen


Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH
Stuttgarter Straße 55–57
73033 Göppingen

Tel.: +49-7161-6080
Fax: +49-7161-69820


Quality and innovation for over 150 years ...

Märklin, the long-standing model railway manufacturer from Göppingen in Baden-Württemberg is one of the cooperation partners of the Saxon STEAM RAILWAY ROUTE. With a 150-year-long history, Märklin stands for tradition, quality, constant innovation and products of world renown. Milestones in the company’s history are presented at the impressive Märklin Museum – World of Adventure, located in Göppingen.

Every two years, the Märklin Days attract huge numbers of (model) railway enthusiasts to Göppingen. The next Märklin Days will be held together with the International Model Railway Exhibition (IMA) in September 2019. During that time, Göppingen will offer everything about railroading in all gauges in an area of more than 38,000 square metres/409,028 square feet. The Göppingen train station will once again be a magnet during the Märklin Days for railway enthusiasts from all over the world. Rare steam locomotives, locomotive legends, and the current high performance railway locomotives and cars will rendezvous there.The center for the Model Railway Days and the International Model Railway Exhibition (IMA) will be the Staufer Park. Renowned manufacturers will exhibit their products for railroading in an area of over 6000 square metres/64,583 square feet. In addition to lovingly built club model railway layouts, you can also see and admire the newest products from all of the Märklin brands and gauges. Our little railway fans can let off steam in a play area of over 8000 square metres/86,111 square feet. The World of Adventure/Märklin Museum can also be visited during the Märklin Days. In addition, the track laying company of Leonhard Weiss will present its company during this amazing railway event.

neue Modelle nach sächsichen Vorbildern 
© Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH