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Model railway

Feld, Garten- und Grosssbahn (a modelmaking company)


Feld, Garten- und Großbahn
Jahnstraße 2a
40215 Düsseldorf

Tel.: +49-211-33998288
Fax: +49-211-17803139



Large-scale model trains ...

Feld, Garten- und Großbahn offers a growing range of detailed finished model railways in 1/22.5 and 1/32 scale for sale. Besides passenger, freight and roll cars built on the model of Saxon railways, there are various G-scale cars built on the model of the Harz Narrow Gauge Railways (Harzer Schmalspurbahnen). The plastic models have an elaborate and weatherproof paint, and the lettering is true to the original. Cast steel attachments, platforms and bogies ensure that the garden railway is suitable for outdoor use. A Saxon 5.5-meter (18 feet) roll car and the well-known Radebeuler SKL, a heavy small wagon, are available in 1 scale. In the future, there will be other attractive models as well. The product range is completed with several model buildings and useful accessories in both scales. In addition, we offer a decal printing service for all scales.