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Dresden Elbe Region


Sächsischer Museumseisenbahn
Verein Windbergbahn e.V.
Hermann-Michel-Straße 5
01189 Dresden

Tel.: +49-351-4013463
Fax: +49-351-4013463



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Saisoneröffnung Windbergbahn

12.04.2025 - 13.04.2025

Fahrten ab Freital-Birkigt mit offenem Diesel-Skl auf Windbergbahn

19.04.2025 - 20.04.2025


Dresden Hbf – Freital-Birkigt – Dresden-Gittersee – Possendorf

Having gone steeply uphill since 1857 ...

Opened in 1857, the so-called Windbergbahn or Saxon Semmeringbahn is Germany’s oldest mountain railway. With extremely narrow curves and great height differences, it winds its way through Plauenscher Grund Valley near Dresden to the current final stop in Dresden-Gittersee. So, just enjoy the stunning beauty of the region during a ride on the Windberg railway. It is thanks to the association's great efforts that, after 18 years, a section of the route could be reopened in 2012. After your journey, you will have the possibility to visit the railway museum located in the station building in Dresden-Gittersee and explore the removed section of tracks to Possendorf (south of Dresden) including the reconstructed station buildings.


admission Prices:

Erwachsene 2,00 €
Kinder bis 14 Jahre frei

Für Sonderveranstaltungen gelten abweichende Preise.


  Einzelfahrt Hin-& Rückfahrt
Erwachsene 6,– Euro 9,– Euro
6 bis 14 Jahre 4,– Euro 6,– Euro