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Dresden Elbe Region


Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG
Gruppe Bergbahnen
Pillnitzer Landstraße 5
01326 Dresden

Tel.: +49-351-8572410
Fax: +49-351-8572413



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Verlängerte Betriebszeiten zum Elbhangfest

27.06.2025 - 28.06.2025


Loschwitz – Weißer Hirsch / Loschwitz – Oberloschwitz

Enjoy the city traffic in Dresden from its best side ...

The DVB operates the suspension and funicular railways. These cable cars have helped define the landscape on the picturesque slopes of the Elbe river at Loschwitz for more than 100 years. As well as being used for public transport, the two railways have become established as an important Dresden tourist attraction.

From Körnerplatz square, the funicular railway goes up to the district of Weißer Hirsch, a well-known exclusive residential area in Dresden. The lower station of the suspension railway is just around the corner from Körnerplatz and goes to Oberloschwitz. Travelling on the cable cars in Dresden is a special experience, not just because of their unique charm. The upper station of the suspension railway offers visitors a lovely view of the Elbe valley and, for technology enthusiasts, interesting exhibitions on how the railways are operated. At weekends and on public holidays, anyone who is interested can find out from our experts on how the funicular railway is powered, and how it was historically supplied with energy. Please book in advance.




The two trains run daily. In order for the mountain railways to perform their services reliably, they must be subject to regular revisions.


normal 4,00 €
ermäßigt 2,50 €

1 Berg- und Talfahrt am selben Tag
normal 6,00 €
ermäßigt 3,50 €

12-Fahrten-Karte - 12 Einzelfahrten
normal 30,00 €
ermäßigt 18,00 €

Familienkarte für Einzelfahrt
1 Einzelfahrt für bis zu 6 Personen, von denen maximal 2 Personen älter als 14 Jahre sein dürfen
Familienkarte 10,00 €

Familienkarte für Berg- und Talfahrt
1 Berg- und Talfahrt am selben Tag für bis zu 6 Personen, von denen maximal 2 Personen älter als 14 Jahre sein dürfen
Familienkarte 15,00 €