The Parkeisenbahn Auensee in Leipzig was opened in 1951. The railway is a 15 in (381 mm) gauge miniature railway and thus one of the smallest public railways in Germany. Except for the train drivers, the railway is operated by children and teenagers. Eight coaches provide space for up to 130 passengers during a ten-minute train ride around Auensee Lake – a traditional recreation area in the northwest of Leipzig. Both our battery-powered locomotive and a miniature steam locomotive built in 1925 are great attractions for railway enthusiasts.
The park railway Auensee Leipzig can be found in a recreation area on the northwest Auensee Leipzig.
Arrival by bus and train mit Bus & Bahn
To achieve the Auensee the park train station from the S-Bahn stop Leipzig - truth from a short walk along the Linkelstrasse past on shepherd's house on the bridge builder. In addition, the Auensee and thus the breakpoints of the park train several tram and bus stops of the LVB is easily accessible.
Arrival by Car
From the A4, exit Radefeld (15b), in the direction of Leipzig. At the next traffic lights turn right and shortly afterwards turn right towards Linkelstrasse. Cross the tram tracks and follow the main road, which after a right turn to the manor road and after a left curve to Gustav-Esche-road. Immediately after the start of the Gustav-Esche-road is on the left side of Auensee.
The Auensee Leipzig Park Railway operates on a gauge of 381 mm.
Steam locomotives 03 002
"Liliput"-Lokomotiven von Krauss & Co AG München, an deutsche Schnellzuglokomotiven angelehnte Bauweise im Maßstab von 1:3,33; ca. 22 Kilowatt
Hersteller Krauss & Co. AG München
03 002 Baujahr 1925 Fabrikationsnummern 8352
Elektro locomotives
Akkulokomotive Nr. 1, Umbau aus Feldbahndiesellok Typ Ns1b, (600 mm, Baujahr 1958) der Muskauer Waldeisenbahn
Hersteller Deutsche Bahn AG, Werk Halle/Saale
Umbau 1995
Passenger cars
Wagen Personenwagen Nr. 5 bis 12
Hersteller Raw Dresden, Baujahr 1988/1989
Supply wagons
Versorgungswagen Nr. 13
Hersteller Raw Dresden, Baujahr 1988
Erwachsene | Kinder 3-13 J. |
Rundfahrt | 4,00 € | 2,50 € |
Familienkarte* | 11,00 € |
Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr.