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Ore Mountains and Chemnitz


GEOPARK Sachsens Mitte e.V.
Talstraße 7
01738 Dorfhain

Tel.: +49-35055-696820



The GEOPARK is to be found in the heart of Saxony. This is the right place for anyone who wants to escape from everyday life, discover new things and enjoy nature. Over 500 million years of geological history have left behind a multifaceted landscape in the Eastern Ore Mountains. The Tharandt Forest Caldera, the Döhlen Basin and high medieval mining in the Ore Mountains are the highlights of a geological variety that can hardly be found anywhere else. Educational trails and theme paths as well as a good network of hiking and cycling trails guarantee an exciting time.

The GEOPARK Central Saxony wants to preserve the geological heritage and provide knowledge. The GEOPARK Mobile "Saxificus" visits schools, preschools and regional events on a regular basis. It is equipped with experiments, laboratory tools and lots of illustrative material, because the GEOPARK Mobile is all about the formation of rocks and minerals and our use of stone raw materials. The GEOPARK Mobile can be booked. Feel free to contact our staff!

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© Gerold Pöhler
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© Dirk Steckel
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© Dietmar Franz
